Friday, March 11, 2011

MOTIVATION (aka moving your butt off the couch)

There are only a few things that really keep me from becoming a couch potato for life: fear, jealousy, and umami burger. I fear being broke by the time I’m 30 and living with my parents, thus I work like a madwoman. I’m admittedly jealous of the success of all these stay-at-home mom blogs who just post pictures about babies, weddings, pottery barn products, and what they made for Sunday brunch…thus I’ve decided to start my own blog. And well, umami burger doesn’t deliver to my apartment.

So dear blog, now that you are here, what will you be about?

All I know is who I am, what I do and what I like…and that it is ever changing.

I’m a homegrown organic California valley girl. I won a coloring contest when I was 9 years old. I go to Disneyland at least twice a year. “Star Wars” turned me from becoming a potentially cool person at school into a bonafide geek for life. Went to film school in Boston, only to come back to Los Angeles with the realization that I didn’t necessarily want to make movies…I wanted to live in them. Luckily Hollywood has a career position for that kind of delusional dreamer….it’s the Art Department, my home sweet home!

By trade, I’m a Property Master/Prop Stylist for film, tv, print and the like. I acquire all the items actors use in a scene from prop houses, retail stores, flea markets, or end up making them by hand if such an item doesn’t exist. Then I wrangle the item on set or style them to look pretty for camera. Basically, it just gives me a paid excuse to indulge my shopping addictions.

In my day to day there’s always a new adventure or a new scavenger hunt. Hopefully this blog can become a space for those moments and for whatever treasures and inspirations surface along the way. Less angsty than a diary and tidier than a shoebox =).

photo by Rodney Smith

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